Monthly Archives: March 2014

Do you know your Scientists?

If your asking me, I do not… 😉
but there is a Geocacher or two in our area that has the lowdown, or should I say the rundown on the Scientists and he recently published a series of caches with names as titles and gave a brief description of each one. I enjoy when a cacher puts this much time and effort into a cache or a series of caches. I usually pickup a piece of knowledge that I might not have known, or as in this case I added a few names of scientists that I never knew about. I spent yesterday with my Geocaching buddy Cantseem on the hunt for the Scientist Series.

We had rain clouds all around us, not a drop on us, that is until we finished the last cache, jumped in the GeoMobile and started heading home 😉

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The highlight of the day was when we found our way into another Lookout Tower Cache, one of my favorite type of caches to do! The views are always amazing and this one didn’t disappoint:

GC1X37W *Almost On Top* by Olcowboy-N-Eyesofice2Us.


Munzees in Gilroy


What a fun place to Munee!  Teamed up with YoursTruly, Hans415 and OldZee and headed South to Gilroy.

Munzee held an Event down in Gilroy at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in 2013  Lots of Munzee’s were deployed so there were a lot of Munzee’s to capture!

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We spent the entire weekend tracking down Mystery’s, Diamonds and Virtuals, what a great weekend.  Met up with Fisherwoman for lunch on the last day and then headed home.  I was hoping to “Level up to 102” while I was there but by the time we started home it wasn’t in the bag.  Looked at my numbers and OldZee and I put our heads together thinking maybe it was doable on the trip home??

Well I – or rather WE did it!!  I leveled up to #102 – Very cool and it ended the Weekend Gilroy trip on an up note for me!!


Gilroy Munzee Team: Yours Truly, Hans415 and OldZee!


The above photo is Larry thinking he could fly AND capture a Mystery Munzee in mid flight…. lol


I did it!!!!!!  This last stop had a Mystery Munzee that gave me the points to push me up to Level 102!!!  Whoo hoo!!!